Currently under development

Electronics Circuit and PCB design


All Electronics Circuits and PCBs design which are used in MOSANADAH’s products are done by MOSANADAH designers. Those PCBs include:

  • -  Two Image Processing Board (IPB). Based on two FPGA types.

  • -  Two IR FPA Driving electronics PCB. For cooled and uncooled IR FPA.

  • -  Analog to Digital Converter board (ADC).

  • -  Three different User Interface Boards (UIB).

  • -  Displays (LCD, Micro-OLED) Driving Electronics Boards.

  • -  Battery Managements Board.

  • -  DC-DC power supply Board.

  • -  Motors (Zooming and Focus) Control Board.

  • -  RGB MOLED Evaluation and testing Board.

  • -  Few numbers of adaptation Boards.


EasyEDA(Schematic, Circuit Simulation, PCB)


Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardised code.


PCBs are manufactured by qualified international suppliers and PCB assembly is done by MOSANADA.

Our Experts



Q & A

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Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.

Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.

Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.
Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.
Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.