Currently under development

FPGA and Embedded Systems Algorithm Design

The process of choosing hardware starts from the analysis and simulation, and based on the computing power needed, an appropriate SoC, FPGA, Microprocessor is selected.

- Determaine needed algorithm.

- Test and set requirements.

- Select appropriate HW.

Due to the variations in our needs, two different chips currently are being utilized, first one for low power applications which runs only essential functionalities to keep the power low, and another one that can be used for development, testing and high-performance applications.





Firmware (FW):
Many modules are implemented to support the required functionalities in each system, here is a general, zoomed out snap of our system.


There are many standards in the mechanical design and maintenance process. The design problem must be formulated with clear and complete statements of specific functions and specifications. This is done through well-studied steps in accordance with international principles and standards

International standards in mechanical design


It reads data from an IR sensor and deliver it to image correction and enhancement modules, after image is ready an overlay layer is added
and finally the whole image is sent to display module.


Q & A

Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.

Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.

Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.

Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.
Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.
Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.